
 地上的四風和船的異象  by Rick Joyner 雷克喬納領受關於台灣的異象(2002.10)

joyner.jpgRick Joyner(雷克喬納,美籍,國度性先知) 曾於2002年10月下旬來台,在飛機到達台灣上空時,他感到神對他說,祂會在這地興起喜樂的教會,天上的喜樂要澆灌台灣的教會,台灣將會走在信心、盼望和平安之中,將有更多的人願意和基督徒在一起,有困難時都會尋找基督徒。神要使台灣的基督徒有喜樂的來渡過每一日。


一、    在夢中,我看見台灣這座島變成一艘大船,是堅固的商船,其上也有一些武器,基本上是商船、貨船,而非軍艦,但是卻是一艘具有軍事作用的商船。這船在很美的海面上航行,海水先是藍色又變綠色,忽藍忽綠,這兩個顏色就換來換去。




Rick Joyner提到:在異象異夢中,「船」(SHIP)經常是指領導力 (LEADERSHIP),以及領導階層(船若堅固,代表領導階層很強)這個島上有一個恩膏是要給領導階層(領導恩膏)。你們蒙召就是為了要來航行,這艘船很堅固,代表領導階層很強,領導力也很強,大有能力。(我中午和台灣一些教會的牧者共進午餐,我印象非常深刻,因為這些牧者傳道人有著超凡的領導力以及謙卑的特質)我相信這個領導性不但是指教會,也是指政治與經濟。你們可能將經歷一段艱困的時期,但主給這座島領袖性的呼召,若沒有這個領導力,在經歷艱困時你們將會更痛苦。所以你們不要放棄,台灣是蒙召成為領袖。

而在同時也產生了一個重要的連結:我感到台灣是被預備去幫助中國,主呼召這裡多人成為經濟界的領袖。台灣過去這些年在領導階層的成長,是要將中國整個帶出來。你們有一個清楚呼召:就是對於中國的呼召。可能在經濟上或其他方面,當你們真正合在一起時,不是勉強的,也不是軍事上面的聯合。而是在一個正確的時機兩邊自然而然地合在一起。不需急促,要慢慢在時間的帶領上,正確地走每一步。因為你們能夠幫助中國,所以成為一個更強大的力量。我感到中國是台灣許多經濟問題的答案, 神使台灣成為中國許多問題的答案,而中國也是台灣很多問題的答案。






雷克喬納 2002.10.23 末日決戰特會的晚堂信息 (高雄  高師大禮堂):





我曾經是海軍領航員,在航空母艦工作,我一直記得我最喜歡的就是當你離開港口進到汪洋大海之中時,就是那樣歡喜自由的感受,而當我在夢裡看見這異象時我也有相同的感受。在這樣的狀況中,台灣不會失掉她的自由,反而能幫助中國更開放,進入自由之中。我感到你們(台灣人)可以幫助中國進入自由。這確實不容易,因為她背後拖了很大一塊土地,但逐漸會做到。中國是世界最大的市場,具有最大的經濟機會與潛能,台灣就是站在這樣的戰略性位置可以在這上面受益,利用這個機會,我相信也是 神在你們身上的旨意。






另外,此行當我們飛到台灣上空時,神說祂會在此興起一個喜樂的教會。天堂最大的特徵是喜樂。天上的喜樂要澆灌在台灣教會。4920 及申3324 提到亞設的特色是喜樂;這是大家所喜歡的人,常使人得到鼓勵。我感覺神要把這個特性給台灣,你們會走在信心盼望和平安之中,腳沾在油(恩膏)中,每天喜樂過日,沒有壓力。神要你們享受喜樂,大喜樂將要澆灌台灣,每個人都願意和基督徒在一起,當困難來時,人會來找你們。

49:20  亞設之地必出肥美的糧食,且出君王的美味。

33:24  論亞設說:願亞設享受多子的福樂,得他弟兄的喜悅,可以把腳蘸在油中,你的門閂是銅的、鐵的,你的日子如何,你的力量也如何。

Strategic Prophetic Word - Asia - Taiwan

by Rick Joyner
October 21 , 2002

I saw the island of Taiwan turn into a beautiful sailing ship. It was sailing on waters that changed from blue to green over and over. It was moving at a good speed but its sails became tattered and the hull of the ship worn and battered. Soon it was barely moving, but was just drifting with the currents. A harbor came into sight and it drifted toward the harbor while the harbor started moving toward it. Then the ship slipped into a dock that seemed to have been made to fit it perfectly. There, it was very quickly restored and emerged much larger and even more beautiful than before. As it moved toward the open sea it had two large cords attached to its stern and it was towing the nation of China out to sea with it.

INTERPRETATION: Ships in dreams and visions often represent leader-ship. This speaks of the extraordinary gift of leadership that has been given to the people of Taiwan. When I shared the vision in a meeting I was told that the colors of the two main political parties on Taiwan are blue and green which is most likely what the alternating blue and green water represented (these two parties have been alternating power for some time). I also felt that it represented an alternating anointing for vision (blue) and then teaching the vision (green). I felt because the ship was becoming worn and the sails tattered represents economic problems that would get so bad that the ship would begin to drift. This would cause it to drift toward the Mainland China, where a port had been prepared for it—Hong Kong. There its economy will be restored so that it becomes larger and more powerful than before. Then it will sail again and will help to pull Mainland China toward the open sea, or openness. Taiwan need not fear the loss of its freedoms, but will actually help to impart liberty to China that will give the other nations of the world much greater confidence in China.

NOTE: While in Taiwan I had a very strong feeling that it had been the Lord’s plan for Taiwan to develop economically the way it has so that it could help China. This island needs to understand that it has a purpose in helping China. Taiwan has often been called an “economic miracle” because it has done so much with so little, which is because of the anointing for leadership that it has been given. Now China can greatly use that leadership as it continues moving toward a market economy. Taiwan’s economy will falter which will cause it to have to drift toward China--the largest potential market in the world, and no place is better suited to take advantage of this than Taiwan. However, it must not move too fast toward China, but let the currents carry it. Patient leadership on both sides will enable this to happen at the right time and it will be a near perfect fit. The Lord is going to impart an increasing love for their brethren in China to the people of Taiwan. There will even be an increasing desire for the leaders of Taiwan to make sacrifices and concessions in order to help China during this crucial stage of its development as a world economic power.

There is a saying that “The Lord really loves the Chinese people, which is why He made so many of them.” There is truth to this. While in Hong Kong I kept feeling a supernatural love for the Chinese people, especially the children. The Lord does want them well provided for. The coming economic prosperity of China is grace from the Lord, and is especially for the sake of the children. Ministries and programs that reach the children will be especially blessed by the Lord.


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